Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hubby !!

Omg...Hi folks!!! it's sooo long i didn't "jengah" my blogg...dh bersawang dah...he..he...okay,see the first side,this pic taken long2 time ago..and this time i and hubby still couple...not engage yet...later belek2 pic lame and i found it!!! lbh kurang flash back balik ar once upon a time...kui..kui... :p...Second picha is my cutesss baby...(as you know) la what i wanna to tell is,how fast time flies...rase mcm baru couple but now i had a baby sudahh...That we called life right?? Story about my hubby,he's very nice person..and others peoples pon  said like that and someone told me "ko kene bersyukur sbb dpt hubby yang baik" and i know that's...Since i being his wifey,he treat me very well in whatsoever..
Another reason makes me love him very much is he's Caring,Responsible,Loving,Understanding,Kind and sometimes Gud listener plus Ayah yang baik..He's love her daughter alots..i know that from the behaviour coz very significant..For me,itu dah cukup bagus kan??Thanks to God coz found the right person for me even i'm not...yah,i'm not... : ( Why i should talked like that??? He knows my weakness but him accepted alls without doubtful..sgt terharu..but me???always complained itu & ini...haishhh...wht the heck mimie???open your eyes and try to learned how to cares each others..nie x, asyik dia jer yg nk mengalah,asyik dia jer nak beri yg terbaik???

For hubby,i'm so sorry if i accidentaly hurt your heart but i didn't meant it..maybe i can't control my emotion bile dah marah but as you know, that a not reason i don't respect you..I still assume you as a Husband,Leader & Imam yg baik bg sy,,Hope you will lead me towards good...Amin...

Syg,b luv you so much...from my deep heart,always.......note that !!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adorable Baby : )

Okay,first at all i wanna to informed u all that i'm very busy lately...And for now,i had extra time to wrote something...I'm busy coz treat my lil princess..She's more active nowadays that's why i must extra care of baby since she fall accidentally and makes me very shocked...and a little bit open my awareness..:( 
Lately very hard to my baby sleep early as usual..she likes to play and play and at last will sleep by itself...I admit,sometimes i'm very tired but no regret with it..just sigh...:(

For me,she's adorable baby even sometimes it's challenging my patient..yerla,always mengamuk bile dgn mama dia..dengan ayah xnk plak wat hal..but i understand,maybe she wanna change lps nie be nicely yerk baby syg..don't you ever bully your mom's..he..he...
Okay,Arisya now can sit without any help...and here it is the picha....Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

*How cool she look right??nmpk tough jer...

So,this pichas taken by her "second mother"...kinda excited to see it growth and do everything...My mom's don't believe also her grandchild can sit as soon as this..7 months baru but as i told you guys,she "fast learner" and for me,standard la all depends on the child efforts whether nak ngan xnak jer..Maybe Arisya rajin to trying plus struggle and akhirnya she's did it !!!

LUV MY HEARTBEAT...XOXO !!!!!!  nunite peeps!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend !!!

Hi folks!!! How your weekend??mine was so greatssssss...superb duperb best...When hubby free,he will bring us to go jalan-jalan..thanks cyg coz always gave priority to me and baby...appreciate it very much!!!
Scroll down for the pichas. : )


The day which is full with xtvt and my baby also hppy too..So,the pictures show during we all on the way to The Store..We had lunch together at Marrybrown..ermmm,as usual..Food court kat situ xbnyk pilihan makanan and i think, Marrybrown is the gud place to enjoy meals plus not too crowded with peoples..Baby?? i bought her "whipped potato" and as you know guys,my lil princess likes it very very much..See her reaction and open your eyes guys how nice she looks...

A - Baby look at her dad..Order please!!!
B - Hip Hip Horaaayyyyy!! Can ate whipped potato..Yummy!!
C - So bored..i'm got hungry mama!!
D - Grrr,i don't likes sit at this chair..this chair very hard for me..
F - I wondered about my mom's guys..She always take lot's pics of mine,,ya,i'm very cute..i know that..
G - Can't wait anymore..where is my potato !!!! (baby start to rage)

Sweet jer kan..that's my lil princess..when she want something,can't to wait..mesti jap2 tu jugak nak..And this time,mmg lambat pon served dia ..Customers x ramai mane tp lembab cam siput..yang make it too long is prepare the foods..U know why guys?? Workers do their works sambil berbual bagai..that's why jadi lambat..grrr...ape pun x bleh ......

So,after we all enjoy our lunch,Shopping time..  and  i bought 2 dresses and another things for my baby..Yah,i'm SHOPAHOLIC..that's my hubby said also but do i care??? Okay guys,Enough for now...will see at next entry...chowsss!!! xx

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Baby Nowadays...

Oh baby!!!!!why you sooo cute and always makes your mama wanna to bite you!!! ha..ha...that's true!!!gewamnye with my baby know why guys???Baby nowadays wise to do anything and always make me smiles with her "keletah"...<---like that eh spelling dia??? ignore...For me,she's adorable baby...If you think mine very over to introduce my i care???grrrr..layanzzzzzz...

For now,baby trying to crawl....bru jer nk lift her body but xleh nk move forward..Slowly kay sayang..chill la..

See,cute rite??i know that..struggle sket syg pasti berjaya...<---ayt xleh blah..ha...ha...Hope sgt Eid this year my little princess of mine dah boleh jalan...hurrmm,hopefully...It was surprised for me coz 7 months can start to crawl..dulu i think she's late but i'm wrong..and in fact,my baby is fast learner sgt..!!! horayyyyyyyy...mama proud with you dear..You had a high spirit to try something that you want even many times u failed but you try and try to up without give up...heart you baby..xx...

Actually,many things that i want to story about my sweetie but feel so sleepyyy now..maybe next entry kay..better get off now...Last before i click "publish button",no matter what i'm happy being a mommy to Nur Qairina Arisya..Even got tired to treat her,but i enjoy to did it and no regret !!! coz why?? bcoz this is greatest experiences ever in my life yg x semua orang will through that... End..xoxo!!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

3 Simple Rules in Life !!!!!!

 1-If you do not GO after what you want,you'll never leave it..

2-If you do not ASK,the answer will always be NO...

3-If you do not step forward,you'll always be in the same place..

working together??

Holla!!!!! long time no see rite?? a fews years can't see..silly me :p...hurmmm,tomorrow is saturday means,baby time...yeayness!!!!!!! Ok,lets story morry...take a look at the title peeps..."working together"??Fyi, i and hubby working at the same company...persoalannya,not become problem kew??My friends said "eee,bestnye keje same-same...mesti seronok kan???" ok,the answer is,working together had a advantage & disadvantage..for me la..why i said like that??here is my reason:-

Advantage :-

1) Can going to work together,one car,one way,one destination and one Malaysia..he...he..opsss!!Benefit is,jimat minyak ,reduce traffic jams..(yelakan,sharing transport)...
2) Can observe the partners 24 hours at the workplace in another words,xpyh nk cemburu sbb always can monitor what he was to do...
3) Feel safe when with him..ade back up maaa!!!!!!!
4) No need to worried if different working hours coz definetely same and we don't hv any problem about who comes to home early or instead.
what else???Enough i think.. : )

Disadvantage :-

1) He..he...when between us had a personal problem...very hard for me to working together..xleh nk silent whole days coz mesti kene ckp jugak,one workplace kan...
2) When hubby x punctual..grrrr..geram jerk rase..Kalo lambat,both of us must late..
3) Bored..24 hours together..going to work,had a lunch,back from work,bla..bla,..bla...everything we did together..sometimes feel hubby..

So,that's my opinion..truly from my deep heart..Some couple likes to working together but some not..Actually it's up to others...So,think wisely yah friends... xx

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Like Mother like Daughter "

Hi,how your day today??me???easily get tired lately...but still can control...erm,done for cooking tonite..slalu tapau jer but suddenly hubby request and ask me supaya masak then,masak jelah..simple meals for dinner..nasib bek hubby said sedap and add twice..he..he...masak campak2 je...<----chewahhh,ayat mengalahkan pro chef jer...

My cuteee toddler was slept already after played with her dad and as you know,only my hubby always rajin to chase my baby around the living room..yelah,since dh start crawling nie semua place nk explore...he..he..i luv my baby so much much and much...both of we had an equation like attitude..Why i ask like that??? for now,Arisya already show me the signs due to her attitude and i think same like me..ha..ha..but hopefully,let her follow the good attitude only and leave the bad attitude..i'm always pray that my baby grows up to be a gud daughter,make her parents proud with her obviously...Amin..So,below is picha my baby and me...erm,like mother like daughter rite???ofcozla kan coz she is my " Chenta Hati "and absolutely must look like me..ha..ha..
*he..he..look at my bb,..keje mama dia nie..sorry sweetie..nway,u look so cool cyg!!!
To my dearest baby, mama want you to know something that, having you like a dreams..yah,sweet're really brighten mylife...xoxo :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Life ...

Assalamualaikum & Hi !!!!!!!! Erm,lame rasenyer x update blog nie???wondered guys???ha..ha..a must right??? Actually,i always set in my mind to update my blogiee but sometimes rase malas yg amat..ha..ha...Usually,i'll update when nite time after i done everything like tidokan my toddler,prepared her things for tomorrow,as you know,everyday i'll send my baby to second "ibu" house...Hurmmm,for now i update at my opis lor..another 1 hour to gtg so i take this oppurtunity to sharing about what i through  & what i feel lately..There hv a gud & sad stories but i start first with gud stories definitely..

 : )
- My baby exactly 7 months..cpt jer kan???feeling like yesterday i deliver my baby..ha..ha...gud news is,she start to crawling..i'm very excited coz she always try to did it even many times her face tersembam kt's okay dear,mama will not be forced you coz mama knows,smuanya perlukan masa..just take your time sweetiee..muahh...picha???will upload soon..

- Red flag...ha..ha...(sorry if about this pun nak story) but i'm happy coz almost 3 months x dtg bulan..worried sgt..mcm2 negative things that i think and more funny when my close friends thought that im preggy...ouchhh!!! x mungkin...Sorry yerk kwn2,i'm not preggy maybe hormon x stable jerk but now,i'm normal again,,yeayness!! :)

: (
- Stressed!!!!!!!!tekanan ditempat kerja...Yah,lately i'm not in mood to working..idk why but maybe due to environment at works place..I admit,kt mane kita keje must hv a consequence but sometimes i'm not tough to face it even i always motivate myself to through everything with patient but i can't...

- Homesick!! that'sone reason why i sooo moody...i miss my home,miss my parents and miss my siblings..can't wait till saturday..i'll going to my home sweet home!!!!maybe,all stressed that i got at JB will reduce when i was at my hometown..hopefully...Amin..

Kay peeps,that's all for now...sorry for the messy post...nk cepat...last but not least :-

P/S to myself : In normally life as a human being,happiness & sadness is opposite things...maybe semua yang berlaku whether it's gud or not ade hikmah yg tersendiri and we didn't knows....So,past is past..just look forwards and onwards...chaiyok!!chaiyok!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Psssssttt...New Look !!!!!

Hi peeps!!!!!Long time no see right???mine very busy lately plus not very well..that's why x on9...Hurmmm...guys,i planning to make something different...jeng..jeng..jeng...sound like surprise right???Act,i wanna to make my hair like this..look at this picture below :-

*So nice...i mean her hairs..not this gurl kay!!!!

So,what do you think???is it gorgeous??Actually,i already did my hairs like this two years ago but after that i make rebonding again..he..he...mcm susah nk jaga plak but now feel bored with the same pattern..that's why i planning to make my hairs be a curl..big curl and colour it too...maybe dark brown..xnak ar terlalu "blonde"..rase cm over plak...hurmmmm...i will do it but just take a time...Need to ask my hubby first whether
he agree or not..he..he...hope get a gud respond...yela,sometimes when i talking about my hair and ask his opinion,he more prefer to said "Berhijab lebih cantik"...I know that, but Sayang, it's does not being about cantik,cute,ayu or what but it's about sincere and i hope i will get that "sincere" one day...Amin..

Hurmmm,Xtau nk writing pe,that's all for today...nunite...xoxo!!!!!!!