Friday, August 31, 2012


To my dearest hubby,
I'm  so sorry what were happened..I know, i'm not supposed to blame you on what already happened but you must know and need to know that me really2 concerned with Arisya..Anything that involve her surely will be important things to me...

Fyi guys,i accidentally speak loud to my hubby..i don't mean it! and yes i really regret it but mine become like that has a reason..Lets me story what happened till i betul2 rasa mrh sgt ngan hubby,and after this you all can judge me whether what i was did betul atau salah..Pls put yourself in my situation..

Me , hubby and baby balik  beraya from relatives house..I know,each others feel tired plus also..So,when arrived at home, i leave my baby with him for a few minutes coz i go upstair to got towel for baby and prepare her cloths after baths but suddenly i heard sounds like "kaca pecah" and followed by screaming baby!! I ran to downstair and guess what happen guys?? Glass table kt ruang tamu pecah and you all can imagine what happen rite?Yah,baby head broken the table glass..Actually,i dun know kejadian sebenar how??coz my hubby with baby on that time and only his know..i got my baby and i hugs her tightly.I wipe her hairs and OMG!! It's bleeding..Bnyk sgt..full of napkin with her blood...

Without rasional thinking,i scold my hubby and blame him...that time,i know,i terlalu outspoke sgt coz he really careless jg baby mase tue..Yg lebih geram,anak depan mata dia but he can't give 100% attention..I'm just leave my baby for a few minutes but he injured my baby.. I can't accept his reason that baby fall by itself..Can u imagine guys??sampai meja boleh pecah,how strong baby fall on...maunya x sakitkan??..
Then,hubby and me rush bring baby to the near clinic for get the treatment..On the way to the clinic,inside car,i start nagging to hubby and him keep silent without any reaction..I know,he realize, apa yang berlaku,berpunca dr dia..Careless sgt!! And mine non-stop talking with him, "if anything happen on my baby,i will never forgive him and don't touch my baby even once"..Fullstop!!

Doctor said,dun worry about baby wound coz is not too deep and no need to do minor surgery..Doctor just clean wound area and ade 2 tempat yang terkena kaca..Ms bleeding td xnmpk sgt but after do cleaning br nmpk...For me,dalam jugak kesannya even xkene jahit skalipun but kalo kene kt muka sure become permanent scars..pity baby..crying loudly...sakit eh sayang??mama tau syg cuma mama xdpt rase jerk..Oh!doctor said also,ade darah beku dlm head skin..that's why ade benjolan kecil kt wound place tue..nasib bek drh beku dlm kulit jer and it will gone for a few days..Just put all medicines that doc gave..

See guys,i'm a mommy so it's normal when i react like that..maybe cara tegur hubby yg salah and i know that..but tgh marah kan,and fyi,this is not first time baby injured on hand my's second time..But before this xdelah smpi bleeding kan..stakat jatuh2 or terhantuk tue normal la for toddler yg baru nk growing this time xleh terima plak...sakit tau nk deliver her,that's why i really2 concerned with her sepenuh hati..She's everything fo me..mine can't imagine if something happen on her and that's rite people said "benda nk jadi,xboleh nk kata apa"...But,if we beware,atleast percents for happen is small..

Hubby gave me explanation about the incident after come back from the clinic for seek my understanding and admit his mistakes and pomish to me, this incident will not repeat again..
Hubby,as you know,i bukan suka2 nk mrh...hope you faham kay..Oklah,i'm so sorry too..i'm not supposed salahkan you 100%..Nowadays,baby mmng makin aktif since dh "dapat kaki" and sometimes very hard for us to control her..But,as her parents,we must give extra care...I know you really2 love also,so same2 lah kite menjaga baby as much as we can kay!! Past is luv you! =)

Besday =)

Hi r you??everything okay??me??so far i'm okay..hik..hik...i'm here just to sharing pending pictures during my daughter celebration besday..that's all..means,malas nk type bnyk2...So,here are some pictures!!Enjoy!!

*For my little one,me and hubby decided to celebrate her besday at here..Yah,we booked the place which is near with my house and closest relatives house also..Credit to KFC,thanks for the event arrangement.


*See,baby had a veryyy superb night...she looks like a cindrelella..hik..hik..


*feel loving to eat right??ha..ha..I knows...


*Ha..ha...funny guys,actually chicky already arrange 3 games for all kids but no one can join the games coz several of them looks like scary with chicky..My baby also but still chill..yelah,ade ayahnya kan..Neway,thanks CHICKY! you are really comel you know that rite! =D


*Prepared for kids..


*Btw,to all who's gave my baby gifts,million thanks and baby kinda excited with all..there had a toys,cloths and for sure baby happy...Sgt!!


*And the last event is "potong cake"...Yummy..Baby can't cutting the cake,so me and hubby did it on behalf my baby..

Hope,baby had a great birthday party!! Even baby dun know everything but enough with her smile makes me happy..xoxo!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

a pOST aBoUT aUgUsT...

Hi peeps & salam Ramadhan..Still in Ramadhan is it??First,sorry to my to day i wanna update my abandoned blog but see,nothing right??Okay,now i'm free..nothing to do and i already finished my works..yeahhh!!So,i decided to nagging about a month of August..

Guys,this month of august is a very special month for me??wanna know why??here it is my explanation..


My baby,my sweetie,my pretty,my cutee and my lil princess bufday..As u know guys,she turn to
1 year..Hip..Hip...Horaayyyy!!Kejap jer kan??hurmmm,and finally,i dpt celebrate her bufday
as we wish and thanks God coz everything gonna be okay during the event..Amin...
If you ask me guys about how much i concerned with her,the answer is YES!! I really and will
do anything for her as long as she happy..that's too much for me can seeing her smilee =) &
To Arisya : Happy bufday syg,sweet 1 year..hope you'll grow up to be a gud person for
 everyone..maybe this now,u still too little to knows about life but mama,ayah will take care of u,
 teach you,and luv you so that u never to feel alone coz mama,ayah here to accompany you.. That's our pomish dear.. =)...(pictures during her celebration will upload in another entry kay).Act,kt  FB already uploaded but nk masukkan juga kt blog as a moments.. =D

 My Hubby i told you guys,my hubby & baby bufday in the same kan?
                  he..he..i know that..But for my hubby birthday,not celebrate as much coz hubby said not      
                  important to him but for me instead.So,I decide to get dinner time with him and baby as a sign of
                  appreciation..Oh well,i also bought for him perfume set..hope he like it!! =)
                  To Hubby : Hepi bufday syg...hope dipanjangkan umur,murah rezeki,and sentiasa berbahagia
                  disamping family...B always luv you no matter're the best among the best for me and 
                  our daughter..Warm hugs and kiss for you syg..♥


Guys,guess what on this date??For sure la Raye!Raye!Raye! He...he..,i think only kids kinda
                   excited to waiting that day but mak budak pun xsabo nak raye...ofcoz la kan after 1 month we had fasting so,that time a day that we waiting for celebrate..seronok woo..peace!!Maybe this eid i will go back to nenny house at N.9..last year i didn't go anywhere almaklumlah tgh berpantang and just stayed at my mom raye kali nie nk raye as much as i can..Collect duit raye on behalf baby..hik..hik...Blh cenggitu?? And yg pasti this eid very meaningful for me and also..So,i will keep that moment in our memories..Nk take alot of pictures then nk wat 1 album... =)Ohhhhh,so sweetttt rite??


Who is here are citizen of MALAYSIA?? Pls raised your hand...Hurm,i think u'all know what the date indeed rite?? If u dun know,better xpyh jadi fellow Malaysians la kan...Okay,on 31st August is a date which is our country free from the colonialism and it also called as "National Day"..Yah,i'm proud to be a Malaysian..that's why i assume that date is a very special...Millions thanks to all pejuang2 kite yg dh bersusah payah selama nie even ramai yg sudah tiada ,jasamu ttp dikenang smpi bile2..Thumbs up!! So,i would like to take this oppurtunity wish you all "Happy National Day"...Slm 1 Malaysia..

Hurmmmm,very long post rite??? but i like it...Kay guys,i think no longer for writing..opsss,i means,typinggggg...
That's all...So,to all my beloved readers,stay tuned for next entry luv you...Chow!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Weak =(

Assalamualaikum guys..hurmmmm,rindunya kt blog nie..lame rasenya x update..jengah pun x..I dun know guys why lately more comfortable not do anything..i'm not lazy but nowadays i really2 brain and my body..i felt like i lost my energy..everything that i do totally nothing and seems like blurrr...haishhh *sigh*

Fyi,i become like this not because i do fasting,,,No!!.so far,i through it very well..Amin..ntahlah...very hard for me to explain with u all coz me also not know wht happen right now but for sure i must stay strong..a must!!

And my hubby also ask me why lately i'm look very tidy,sleepy and sometimes suke termenung..Oh hubby!dun ask me that questions..swear i cannot to answer it!!But,just give me your support..enough for me..
Maybe too many things that i need to think even sometimes i dun hv a time to think but nk xnk kene pk how??? Any others way guys??

I'm speechless,wordless,and sometimes i feel i'm unless person..that's my assumption..dunno whether is right or not but for now,rase flat giler...hilang focus for everything...Baby??
Baby try to cheer me up with her keletah and i appreciate it very much..gud trial cyg..U only one who know your mother feeling.. tsk..tsk...terharu but sorry dear if backwards mama mcm x focus layan baby..I'm so sorry..Dun think negative guys..i luv my words can describe how much i luv her but i admit,jaga anak memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi..ya,supposed must like that..hik..hik..cume sy yg emo lbh..muahhh for baby...

Honestly,i like working coz i'm not type woman yg suke dok kt umah..I'm here not to say being housewife tue xbgs coz for me lambat laun pun akan jd full housewife jugak but for now,i more prefer to choose for working(while still young nie kan)ha..ha..