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* BudaQ Gedikzz.. :* |
Hi people?? How your weekend?? hope you all have a blast day...=)..Today is just ordinary day for me..nothing was special..As usual,Outing,Lepaking Shopping and i've been spent well my day with my loves..Okay, Just story..Tadi,while we had our lunch at KFC,there is a 2 couples of chinese race had their lunch beside our table..Then,i dun know what happen,baby always smile at them and attract their attention..Yah,as i told you guys,my baby was an attention seeker..The bad part,she will do at anyone even though baby can't recognize them..suke aty jer kan..Act like friendly lettew..But funny when baby show off "Gediknya" tue..tersimpul2 malu in front of them..he..he...
Baby,baby..why you so tiut ?? You know that rite..
Then,the couples pun layan2 baby ckp even actually diorang can't understand what's baby try to talk..Layanzzzz...me and hubby just said "Behave sayang..dun disturb sister and brother enjoy their lunch"..but baby just ignore what's we told to her..Hurmmm,nasib bek diorang sporting and we all having random conversation :
Them : Sokay, never mind..Your baby so cute and adorable baby..how old are your baby??
Me : 1 year 3 months..=)
Them : OIC...she very friendly and x takut orang kan??
Me : That's makes me worried sometimes..Can't to be careless at everywhere coz not impossible she will
follow the strangers..
Them : Must beware coz we didn't know what will happen ..
Me : TQ ya,on your advice..worth it for us..
Them : Small matter..Neway,what's your baby name??
Me : Nur Qairina Arisya but we used to call her with nick name "Isya"..
Them : Waaa,what's a long name you got sayang?? (sambil cubit pipi isya)..
Me : Just keep smile sambil dlm hati berkata (panjang mehhh??? hik..hik..)
Then after that,me and hubby need gtg..before we all blah,me told to baby give "Bye-bye" to them and baby did very well followed with flying kiss siap der bunyi lg like "Muahhhh"..tue yg mahal tue..hik..hik..Diorang end up with big laugh..ha..ha..mesti diorang entertained dgn gelagat Isya..Me so proud of baby coz she know how to makes others happy even she's too young..I know my baby very friendly..x takut org..Had an advantage sometimes..For example if go to wedding invitation..xlah asyik 24 hours stick to me..Ha,kan ssh to do anything..Atleast me can put her for a while at anyone and for sure la org tue kite kenal like relatives kew..Fyi guys,ade sesetengah baby cried when seeing someone he/she doesn't really like or x kenal..
Rimas la ngan budak mcm tue..He,,he..So,thank to God,so far my baby is quite okay..About sikap baby yg friendly tue,still boleh handle lg but hope baby will not be a "Spoil Brat".. =)
So, that the whole story for today.. *Hugs* ..
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