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*one heart..yeah... |
Hello,Heyhoo and Hi!! Ha,mesti you all shocked kan suddenly jerk update blog at noon..Hik..hik..hik..
Actually,me myself dun know how to do coz not in mood to do anything (boredom strikes) plus i'm not feeling very well so i decide to typing something at my blogieee..Oh,at now,i miss my baby so badly..tgh watpe agaknye si tiut tue..Hurm,no matter how far we're but baby still in my heart forever..Supposed like that rite?? Now,i know how mother's feeling when away with her loved ones..missing like thousand years can't met..That's why after come back from working, first things to do is,seeing my chenta hati first..seeing her smile and yah guys,she really2 makes me melted with her smiley face..and sometimes me action like "oh baby,mama miss you so much" gonna kisses her as much.. Me like a kid rite?? he..he..silly me :p..
Told ya,since had a little princess,my world which is previously black & white was be painted with amazing colours..oh,heavenyer..All because of her..She's adalah amanah from God to me and i owe to myself will take care her as much as i can,find the happiness for her and give yg terbaik untuk dia in everything..
Hurmmm,i wondered guys why there are some people can't to appreciate her child..Look at television about abandoned babies case..how come it happen?? All might because of stupid people..Sorry to say la,Couples who have no legal relations yg do the sin just nk sedap jer without thinking the consequence then after dh pregnant dun know how to do for hide the bad behaviour take a short way,menggugurkan,membuang and whatever!! and the victim is innocent baby..How could to be like this?? Wordless!! and one words can describe that peoples,"KEJAM"..and please la dun makes it same with animals coz as we knows guys and don't get me wrong "binatang pun tau syg ank"..so?? Think about it!! We, as a slave are given common sense by GOD so why xnk berfikir??
Ntahlah,for me ank tue anugerah Allah yg terlalu comel.. =),From the start she come into the world,growing up level by level,semuanya indah..and a pride when she can talk "Mama" then "Ayah",hurmmm,,,,it's Amazing!!
She's teach me everything about life and kehadiran dia a little bit makes me realized how lucky i am coz atleast i had an oppurtunity to being a mommy..I can't imagine my life without baby..mesti sunyi giler..hurmmm,people said,ank penyeri rumahtangga and so trueeeeeee..what's would we hope in married life other than had an own child right?? Symbol love between husband & wife.. =) Xx
Ntahlah,for me ank tue anugerah Allah yg terlalu comel.. =),From the start she come into the world,growing up level by level,semuanya indah..and a pride when she can talk "Mama" then "Ayah",hurmmm,,,,it's Amazing!!
She's teach me everything about life and kehadiran dia a little bit makes me realized how lucky i am coz atleast i had an oppurtunity to being a mommy..I can't imagine my life without baby..mesti sunyi giler..hurmmm,people said,ank penyeri rumahtangga and so trueeeeeee..what's would we hope in married life other than had an own child right?? Symbol love between husband & wife.. =) Xx
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