Salam peeps!!Fuh..Fuh..Fuh..blow my know why??berhabuk sudah and i know that..he..he..I had my own reason why i silence and let only me knows..Hurmmmm,forget it...
Peeps,its JULY now! fast right?? and fyi,Ramadhan will coming soon..kinda excited to do fasting worship this year and hopefully,diberkati olehNYA...amin..
Oh well,forget to tell u all,my baby already 11 months years old...He..he..mcm xpercaya plak..last year,same month like now,i am preggy 8 months..but now i had my little princess..A great give from God..
Baby now dh mcm2 ragam and sometimes feel tired to handle her..But,it's normal...budak nk membesarkan..
Even pnt cmner pun still smile look her action,attitude..hurmmm,indahnya anugerah Allah never regret to take care of her and i swear,as long as i live,she's my priority..anything,everything that i do,was only for her..that's all...She's my soul..
Recently,baby start to learn something new..he,,he..wanna know wht???Baby can clap her hand when i sing a song "pok amai-amai" and bla..bla..bla...Yah,i know this is traditional song since zaman-berzaman..ha,..ha..then,baby will start dancing when she heard a music..anything music..she turning her body left and right then lift her buttock..he..he..sooo comellll.,,and for me,she's adorable baby..Bkn nk bangga ke ape even diri sendiri x percaya that she fast learner,,,Sangat!!
But,there's something that i dun like like from my baby..guess what??dun know??let me told you guys..
My baby if nak sesuatu mesti kene dpt..that's her bad attitude and i know,i must do something supaya xmenjadi2 kan..But sometimes x sampai aty la and for example siang and hubby bring baby to shopping mall for jalan-jalan plus i'm looking for my handbag..Hubby carry baby go to toys area..Suddenly baby screaming and start to rage coz she try to reach a bear but hubby said No!!mengamuk la budaq bertuah tue...grrr...noty kan..and the bad part,baby scream until attract the others customers/cashier..malu sehhh mama..(geleng pale)nk kate ape kan??So,at last i bought for her..see pictures pls!
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Fyi guys,kejap jer tue mainnyer..My baby cepat boring dgn sesuatu..Nk sesuatu x sbr but when she been got what she want,she just interested for a fews second and after that ignore..ituelah "Arisya"..
I think,i must change her atitude slowly..dun know my bb follow perangai sp but hubby said sebijik ikut perangai mama dia..ha..ha..really i am??Oh Noooo!!That's all peeps!!a little bit about my baby..need gtg..feel sleepy pomish will update again if have opportunity....Sayonara.!!XoXo..
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