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*Cool Huh?! |
Hi folks!!Nothing to do this nite and i'm not feeling well ..Ya,i was sick..got fever plus flu..but a little bit ok after taken some medicines that doctor gave to me..Hurmmm and bad news guys,my lil princess got fever + flu also..maybe jangkit from me..haissssh..get well soon dear..mama can't seeing you sick..sumpah!!
Take a look at pictures pls..these two person are very important for me.."My King and my Lil Princess"..
He..he..but where is my Prince Charming????Coming soon ya peeps!! me and hubby has plans to add more child..hu..hu..and hopefully i'll get a baby boy..(br complete kan) but everything ditangan Tuhan and if i ditakdirkan preggy baby gurl again,sokay,you're so welcome here honey....in mama ayah life...we all always accept you with pleasure without doubt... :) Rezeki tue..
Before this,i always said trauma for preggy and deliver baby but when i'm thinking back,it's a wonderful moments and no need to scary..no pain no gain right??..As you know guys,x semua wanita dpt through this experience..As example,my friend..she want to married but she dun want a child..on reason,not ready yet to hv a baby..adoi...kawen kalo xnk ank watpe kawen kan???<---just my opinion...and as a friend,i gave her a bit advice to open her mind..whether she want to listen or not,it's up to her..but for sure,each woman in dis world will assume herself perfect when able to giving birth for her hubby...
And another case,terlalu nk anak tp belum ada rezeki..for this matter,kene bersabarlah..So,the conclusion is,
how lucky i'am rite??Thanks to God coz gave me an oppurtunity to become a mother and allow mine to take care amanah yg telah dikurniakan..really appreciate it and makes me realize,bestnya dpt melahirkan zuriat sendiri..Lambang cinta towards me and hubby...
So,i always keep thinking,why must be afraid to get pregnant??he..he..child is everything..they are connecting generation in future..That's rite guys??..Hurmmm,i think,enough is enough..Okay stop nagging...see you in next entry peeps!..baby already woke up..maybe her thirsty and need some milk..gtg peeps!!
Last but not list...what i said is truly my opinion..I'm not gonna mention anybody names so,xpyh nk terasa sgt kay..if nk terasa jugak,that's your problem..not mine...da....salam 1 malaysia!!
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