1 - Okay,first we must have one packet's of spaghetti as a main course..I choose San Remo brand because
its most popular in all type of pasta...
2 - Prego sauce..For dis one,I choose yg tradisional definitely...he..he..actually,too many type of Prego sauce but depends on your taste..
3 - Minced Chicken by Ramly..There is 2 slices in the packet and I thought one slice is enough and
I bought chicken because I do not eat beef and mutton..But If you want to use minced meat pun boleh..It's up to you..:)
4 - Chicken Meatballs..(additional)..Actually,if you want to DIY pun boleh..just use minced chicken balance tue and make it circle like a ball then put perasa such as pepper,salt or etc then goreng..But I prefer to bought yg ready made sbb easy and jimat mase..he..he..
5 - Button mushroom...I beli yg dlm tin...yg packet pun ade and its really delicious for me...And make sure before beli tue,read the contents first,check expired date and the most important had a "Halal" sign..
Others ingredients needed ...
~ Diced Onions and Garlics for saute...I x gune bnyk sgt bwng just 3 cloves for each both..
~ Red Capsicums aka Lada Benggala,Button Mushrooms and diced Tomato..For capsicums and mushroom should be sliced thinly...All mentioned will inserted into the sauce later..
~ Green Broccoli just for garnish..Fyi,Broccoli is one of my favourite vegetables and me likes it!
Dun forget to boiled with salts for makes it softened..
Okay,let's begins...First,you must boiled the spaghetti first around 15 minutes until the spaghetti become softened,put some salts (dun too much)..just secukup rasa and put olive oil also to ensure the spaghetti x melekat..Kalo nk gune minyak masak pun boleh but only one tablespoon..jgn lebih..After 15 minutes, lift the spaghetti then toskan air and biarkan seketika..
Next,I fried chicken meatballs..If you want to boiled,also can but I lebih suka goreng..Fried until golden brown mcm gambar kt bwh nie...
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*Comel2 je kan...hik..hik... |
1 - Saute the diced onions and garlics until the smell raise up..Should not be to crisp..ckup sekadar dia layu...
2 - Then,masukkan minced chicked tue..Leave for 2 minutes so that minced chicken tue fully cooked but remember,jgn terlalu garing...
3 - After that,pour Prego sauce and water..Fyi,prego sauce nie pekat and mmng kene tambah air..Just masukkan 1 tin air by use prego tin tue td..Advise,do not over letak air sbb nanti terlalu cair,mmng x sesuai nk dimkn together with spaghetti..I suke if sauce dia a little bit pekat...And,ada org suke letak Tomato Puree but for me,no need because I x suke sour sgt..Lagipun,prego sauce tue got to taste..semua rase dh ada..he..he.. till then, lets it boil for a while and kept the fire in medium..
Then,lastly,masukkan capsicums,tomato and button mushrooms tue td into the sauce..bhn2 nie xleh masuk awal because it will be too mushy..Bolehlah rase lps tue either you want to put salts,aji or sugar if rase sauce tue mcm kurang jer kan..Ikut selera masing2.. :)...When everything is ok,dah boleh matikan api and ready to be served...Yeay! Siap!!
And the final result is..........Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
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* My home made Spaghetti Bolognese with Chicken Meatballs...I letak Broccoli tue sbb nk bg cantik..he..he..and ready to gave someone who's request from me before dis..hope they like it !! |
I'm very satisfied for that day because I could cooked for my beloved hubby,baby and the rest..Plus,baby likes my home made spaghetti and very-very appetizing with dat..makan and makan..Hubby also..add twice and he ask me to make it again for the next time...Boleh sayangggg as long awak nk makan, B buatkan..hik..hik... hik..
That's all guys!..Thanks for reading...much love..xoxo!!
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