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Hi loves!! I'm back...hip..hip..horayyyy!!! After a long time I didn't update anything..Actually xdela lame sgt but serious peeps,I miss typingggg..and feel soooo rindu nk berblogging..Oh ya,today was a sad day due to the bombing at the Boston Marathon..Guys,could you take a short time for a while and prayers out to the victims in Boston?? May God bless your souls..Amin..
Hurmmm,so how your life nowadays?? If you ask me,there was nothing about me..just through my life simply as well..But,lately feel sooo tired to do anything either in da house or at workplace..dunno why maybe I should take a rest..And maybe its effect from dietry that I did now..Fyi, i'm start on diet already and consume a reduce weight product..For now,i don't seeing any changes in my weight because too early to get the result but I must be patient and stay strong to get my ideal weight even sometimes i force myself so do not take any such food which was could gain my weight..Hurmmm,serious guys,its very suffer for addicted foods like mine..hik..hik...hik.. :p..
Okay,stop story about me..he..he..Hubby?? Last week his got a bad news because his grandmother has been passed away..and I know he feel a bit down and he went out to village for a few days but yg ruginya dia x dpt tgk jenazah for the last time..Sokay syg,at least you turn up and could visited the grave and gave her prayers..stay strong sayang..Life is like dis and each alive creatures will taste death even you,me and everyone..Just let your late grandmother rest in peace..
We didn't knows how life goes..sometimes it was happy today but sad tomorrow..But sometimes I've thinking,alangkah bagusnya being a kids like my baby...She dun know anything and just playing and stop when her feel tired,eating when hungry and sleeping when sleepiness..How was a good life as a toddler right?? me sooo jealousssss...miss my childhood edy..Hurmmm,how i wish throwback to past years..mesti seronok an?? he..he..he..
Oh well,almost forget to story about my little sweetheart..sape lagi kan kalo bukan si tecik yg banyak ckp tue..serious guys..baby nowadays being too attractive,talkative and hyperactive..dah beso katenye and sometimes the way she speaks like adult style..I'm not kidding even I sendiri pun feel like she's not 1 year 8 months old..Btw,mase x mengizinkan nk story lebih panjang,,maybe next entry kay ..Ngantuk sgt dah nie plus tomorrow I need to wake up early in da morning...I will come back to you later..Gud nite readers!!xoxo!!
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