Hi allzzzz...so,how your day today??me???easily get tired lately...but still can control...erm,done for cooking tonite..slalu tapau jer but suddenly hubby request and ask me supaya masak then,masak jelah..simple meals for dinner..nasib bek hubby said sedap and add twice..he..he...masak campak2 je...<----chewahhh,ayat mengalahkan pro chef jer...
My cuteee toddler was slept already after played with her dad and as you know,only my hubby always rajin to chase my baby around the living room..yelah,since dh start crawling nie semua place nk explore...he..he..i luv my baby so much much and much...both of we had an equation like attitude..Why i ask like that??? for now,Arisya already show me the signs due to her attitude and i think same like me..ha..ha..but hopefully,let her follow the good attitude only and leave the bad attitude..i'm always pray that my baby grows up to be a gud daughter,make her parents proud with her obviously...Amin..So,below is picha my baby and me...erm,like mother like daughter rite???ofcozla kan coz she is my " Chenta Hati "and absolutely must look like me..ha..ha..
*he..he..look at my bb,..keje mama dia nie..sorry sweetie..nway,u look so cool cyg!!! |
To my dearest baby, mama want you to know something that, having you like a dreams..yah,sweet dreams..you're really brighten mylife...xoxo :)
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