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*Nie namenyer xde keje... |
Hi guys,,,,are u okay??everything fine with your day's going on??hopefully...=D..erm sooo boring tonite..as usual,my baby already sleeping & maybe dh smpi London agaknyer....sweet dream yerk syg...well,nothing to do right now & i decide to write something @ my bloggieee...oppsss!!! tetiba plak hubby said "sehari x on9 x boleh ke? kt opis dh on9,kt rumah pun nk on9 ?"...errrrr,,speechless...sowy sayang...one hour jerk k...pls..pls..pls.. act,hubby srh masak for dinner td but i don't have a mood for do it...tue yg tarik muke semacam...at last,tapau jer lah..If take away after mkn leh terus throw away kan xpyh nk keep cleaning like "basuh pinggan"...simple...he..he..
Kay,suddenly rase nk publish the above pic..so,the pic i snap before went to wedding invitation a few weeks ago...while waiting hubby get ready lame sgt,so apalagi Webcam la...dah name pun xde keje kan...FYI,many pic i snap tau but this was enough..xmo lebih2...bukan artis pun..Ermmm..guys,to be honest,sometimes tergerak hati nk wear hijab..you know hijab??same meaning with "tudung" la...but idk till now still not wearing it..nway,i already bought two pieces of tudung n still dlm almari...hubby pun der request that he ask me to wearing it but i think this is "soal hati"...kalo pakse pun un useful kn? it's hear like x ikhlas jer...eventhough i know,ramai org kt luar sane maybe thinking negative to me when their read my statement & said "alaaa,itu pun nk tunggu terbukak hati ker?"..it's okay..itu hak diorang...for me,if we want doing a kindness, must be with whole of heart & ofcoz will be remains for lasting & not for temporary..in another words "setengah-setengah"...as example kejap pki, kjp x pki...
Story about sin & rewards,Only ALLAH yg layak to judge it..kite sape untuk mengadili orang kan??orang yang disangka baik itu not sure baik & instead...Okaylah,i admit..dulu if there's people tegur about my atitude,mesti cepat melenting..n then ask them "have you done enough for yourself?mcm bagus sgt nk advice org!!!"many time i've been saying like that to them but bile pk balik,no need to argue with them but just thinking positive...whether we want to accept or not,it's up to others...i'm supposed to appreciate what the people around me react like that..maybe mereka sygkan aku that's why mereka tegur aku kan???
And now,i think,i'm become more matured..jika before this,my brain is not so useless tp sekarang feel better..maybe since my baby comes in my life...even not 100%,at least had a little bit improvement...Thanks God...feel better now can express my feelings that had been kept in my heart.. kayyyy,guys..i'm gonna end this post now...last but not least,just be yourself in any conditions..if you have any problem,pray+doa coz this is a good solution in every way possible...& for me too...i'm never think that's mine seorang yang bagus & x terniat pun nk bajet gud-gud but nothing wrong if we try menjadi yg terbaik kan??people change..so,just look forwards..let's together for be the best in life...don't give up kay...Amin...
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