Sunday, October 12, 2014


This few days im so saddd...couldn't describe with words but for sure something touched my heart..I hate when I've this feeling..

But, I thanked Allah for giving me a kind and lovely husband..He always besides me in every way ups and downs..Always lend his shoulder for me when I need..I luv you even more hubby...

And, I had a cute daughter which always makes me feel that im a lucky mother to having her..Naughty, crankier, fussy is just a part from her but the rest, she's too cute and such a lovely child for me..

Then,yes a baby which will come to see the world soon..mama can't wait to see you dear but mama just want you to know that I luv you so much..Im not mad on you even you always kicking my tummy's...he...he..hope you enjoy doing that little Q..

Having you guys in my life was everything for me..You're my strength to through out my days..Even im sad, but when I thought that I still having you all, im happy..truly happy..

Always in my prayers so that all my loved ones got a blessed..
I luv you hubby..our childs too..