We were entered the month of August and on this month,there are2 days that very important to me...guess what guys??Tenenene..
Today, 03/08/2013 - My cute daughter is turning to 2 !! See,so fast right?? and sometimes,I'm not realize that she as slowly envolve into a beautiful kids like seriously..And ofcoz,she more clever in everything..The way she speak,did,like "org besar"..he..he..that's my baby..never for once failed to makes me smile with her keletah and proud to say,she brighten up my days..Love you the most baby gurl !!
Happy besday sayang...Mama hope,you will grow up to be a gud child,pretty and clever and makes your parents proud of you..
Turning 2 is one step ahead the kids will grow up and just be what they want to be..I means,during that period,all kids in learning process..Sometimes,they likes to do something a whim without think wisely..Does its normal guys?? Nothing to be expected towards my baby except,me wanna seeing her grow up as a good kids,listen to older people as well,easily to handle herself and the most important,not to be "spoil brat"..
Happy Besday sayang...No matter what happen,you should now that you still have mama & ayah..Hope,with increase your age,you can reduce your bad habit..pls,dun noty2,pls dun easily to mad when you can't get something..Listen baby,xsemua yang kita nak boleh dapat...keep my words..
And for my little one,I booked a gold necklace which is written her name as a birthday present from me while hubby bought a cute teddy bear for her..Actually,baby already had many tedy bears from small to big and assorted colour but she request again to hubby when hubby ask her,what she want for her birthday...he..he...
*I'm so in love with necklace and I thought,baby so cutee when wore it!! |
Quite sad,this year I can't celebrate her besday like previous..At first,we planning to celebrate her birthday at
McDonald and fyi we also looking for the party organizer but the team said,for do birthday party,atleast must have 15 kids and impossible for us to find the kiddos..As you know,our relatives,friends do not have ank kecil around 5 to 10 years..sume dh besar2 and if had kids,only 2 or 3 and still not enough..So,we end up with nothing plus baby birthday in fasting month so,if I willing to do,need to arrange for night time after break fasting and for me its too rushing and kinda hard to gather all relatives join the party..
At last,we decided to do small celebration at SIL house..better than nothing right??? So,I bought a birthday cake for my baby and baby choose Doraemon character for her cake..he..he..I dun know since when baby so interested with Doraemon...
So,to SIL's house here we're go!!!
*Baby too eager with the cake..yummy!! |
Sokay baby,Insyaallah,your 3rd birthday,mama ayah will celebrate properly..Pomish...!!
Have a BLAST sweetie..730 through my life with you is a sweet moments ever..really..
Hurmmm,aftet this,waiting 08.08.2013 coming..hubby besday...the both of them celebrate their besday on the same month..cool huh?!
Oh ya guys,
We already more close to celebrate Eid..And serious guys,Im not really into the raya mood for this year..
Maybe sbb dah besar kot..And all preparations goes to my little princess..And this is 2nd year my baby
enjoy her feast..Well,kids mesti la happy kan nk raye and what my baby through now,I feel the same when I was be a kids once upon a time and really,I miss my childhood..Tsk..tsk..tsk..how I wish I can throwback..