Lately,i'm very sad..truth sad..u know why guys??my lil princess got a diarrhea..i thinks bad diarrhea coz she got this disease for a few days plus her stools had a blood..i'm so worried and panic...the others reason makes me not in mood is when i saw her face i must cried..i know her strong baby but at the same time she's not...really missing her smile,laugh,keletah, : )..Ya Allah,i'm begging to you,please cure my toddler from this pain..let me replace all...
I dun know how to do..when my baby sick,i'm blurr..yah,i already met a doctor and got a far,she quite okay but i dun know for onwards..hope everything will be fine..cian dia...cirit birit till the anal area got a rashes and look like redness..i know mesti pedih... kalo x,takkan each time i change her diapers,she will scream loudly...kalo mandi pun same..x boleh kene air mesti menangis...pity my baby...:(
Okay,i admit i'm the panic mommy but it's normal right if i worried when my baby got a pain?? I'm a mommy so i think,it's normal when i react,feeling like tht...anothers words "cemas"...Budak kalo nk pandai sesuatu mmng akan sakit ke??But kalo mcm nielah sakitnya,i think this is not fair for my baby..she's too young..
Mine preggy her for 9 months++ ....her pain becomes my pain too...So,how could those peoples said it's normal???Especially hubby....Hubby said " biasala budak kalo sakit" x paham eik perasaan seorang ibu..Ibu mane can see her child sakit,suffer????So,stop said like tht to me!!
Maybe i very love my baby too much and yes i'm..She's is mine and only one...So,i'll makes sure that she in good matter what...full stop!!!!!!!
To my baby :
"Baby syg,get well soon dear,honestly,mama miss your smile,laugh and everything about you..Ma really suffer to saw you like that...If mama can replace your hurt,mama will do without doubtful..Everything for you sayang..really miss to played with you as requested from mama,cepat sembuh yerk sayang and mama will bring you jalan-jalan ( dun know where's but pomish )...Just for makes your happy..
Mama sayang kamoooooooooo... xX