I don't know who's want to heard my expression and i decided to release all at here and i do...After for few years he can't contact me,or text me but why now he find me back when i already had everything like my happy family,my gud hubby and my cutey baby..why??? Okay,maybe you can said,ignore this person and xpyah layan..you're right..Honestly i'm never not to thinking about him because i know it's just waste my time plus he not deserve for me and why i should to thinking of him right??....I always pray that i away from him 4ever and i don't want to see or kenal dgn dia lagi...The problem begans from Facebook....Yah,he add me and i confirm the friend request but trust me,if i know "his" is my ex,i would not accept it otherwise,he add me by used false default picture and name..i really didn't know anything...I admit,FB connecting all peoples in this world but not him...grrr...mule2 xtau who are really him but he send me a message and start from this,i feel something wrong..5 years ago i fell in luv with him but he's left me with question mark?? in another words,break mcm tue je with no reason till i find my soulmate --> my hubby and we got married,smpi dh ade ank dh pun...how could he's suddenly appear in our life???it's too weird guys...he text me and said he can't forget me and very difficult to do it but #ade aku kisah??Common la Bro,let by gone,be by gone so,what's your problem???I'm happy with my life now..i hv everything that i don't hv when i together with u a few years ago...so,stop waiting me again and again coz just waste your time..I don't make peoples around me dissapointed with me just because of you..The "nothing person"...sorry to say but it's true from my deep heart...Even you always said that you terlalu menderita without me but what can i do???I hv a new life and same goes with you right?? so go on...I really luv my hubby even he's simple person but he knows how to appreciate me...but you??you and my hubby totally different..Sometimes,thanks to God coz help me to found a Mr.Right after i let down mase disakiti dulu...really hurt... : )
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
+Patah 1000+
I love this song since i heard for the first time...idk why but maybe this song had its own soul and it's so coolllllllllll...So,enjoy the lyrics peeps,PATAH SERIBU By SHILA HAMZAH... :)
Walau kau tiada di sini
Ku tetap ingat semua pesanmu
Ku hidup seolah-olah kau masih ada
Bisikan kata kepadaku
Bilakah kau akan utuskan surat buatku
Aku terus menunggu tibanya kata cintamu
oh..PATAH SERIBU hatiku
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah ku lupa kerna engkau telah pergi
Biar pergimu tanpa relamu
Namun hatiku tetap rasa
Kejamnya kau meninggalkanku dengan nota-nota
Cinta buat kita berdua bila kan ku bisa menerima ketiadaanmu
Kan ku bakar semua hapuskan semua kenangan
PATAH SERIBU... hatiku
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah ku lupa kerna engkau telah pergi
Sayangku mohon padamu
Segera tinggalkanku
Pergilah kau ke tempat yang kau tuju
Pasti ada hikmah buatmu dan juga buat diriku
Walau kau tiada di sini
Ku tetap ingat semua pesanmu
Ku hidup seolah-olah kau masih ada
Bisikan kata kepadaku
Bilakah kau akan utuskan surat buatku
Aku terus menunggu tibanya kata cintamu
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah ku lupa kerna engkau telah pergi
Biar pergimu tanpa relamu
Namun hatiku tetap rasa
Kejamnya kau meninggalkanku dengan nota-nota
Cinta buat kita berdua bila kan ku bisa menerima ketiadaanmu
Kan ku bakar semua hapuskan semua kenangan
Bila mengenangkan segala yang kita bina bersama
Haruskah ku lupa kerna engkau telah pergi
Sayangku mohon padamu
Segera tinggalkanku
Pergilah kau ke tempat yang kau tuju
Pasti ada hikmah buatmu dan juga buat diriku
Monday, February 20, 2012
Tired makes me feel down :'(
Actually,i not have a mood to update my blogieeeee but i forced myself to do it..so,i done!!!!!Peeps,true,i very tired today...as usual..monday blues..that's why i don't like monday coz still "blurrr-blurr" after 2 days off..hurmmm..why i so tired today??wondered to knows??? i feel freaking tired coz at my office many works to do..the problem is ,i'm alone...yah,alone...i hate this..i always suggest to my boss supaya take a new one person to help me in the office but till now,nothing!!haishhh..*sigh*<----- mmng patut pun mengeluh...
Okay,i will accept if i do my own works..but today,my boss ask me to help him do proposal about import and eksport...I don't really understand about this coz i'm never to arrange its before this..honestly,it's very hard for me..Basically,look like easy but it's not easy like we think.. :( I also spent my time to learned about shipping..sound like crazy right??ha..ha..damn too much...how could my boss ask me to do something yg bukan bidang aku...
I don't have any choice so,i try to do it..no excuse and no argue..grrrrrr....so tiredddd..pnt otak dan penat badan till i left my lunch time...study benda alah tuelah...Can you imagine guys if you at my position..everything i must do it alone...no assist,nobody can help me...from pick up the phone,open invoice/DO,entertain customers,issue cheque for suppliers,arrange production...reply all emails boss..bnyk tue...do sales report and bla..bla...bla...isk...kalo nk down listing,smpi kesudah x hbs...feel very weak and fucking tired...that's why asyik nk mrh jer lately...i also got a migrain if always sgt thinking..but,what can i do??xkan nk said kt boss "alaaaaa...xmo la wat"..he..he..annoying jer rase,,besar plak kan pangkat nk said like that...
Finally,when i achieve max tired,guess what i do????..hurmmm,my tears falling down..tsk..tsk...yah,i'm crying...itu jerk yg tau..slalu nanges kt bilik air...crying is okay here..xmo org tau...ha,,,ha..but bile kt umah,story kat hubby about my tiredness and continue crying at his shoulder...sedih sgt..:( but thnks syg coz borrow your shoulder for me...and always be with me..i heart you...i feel so cool in your hugs...nasib bek ade kamoooo en.hubby...you wipe my tears,you makes me smile again with your jokes..even stupid jokes but you success to make me laugh "ha..ha..ha.."very funny but i'm happy..thanks dear..: )
Okay,i will accept if i do my own works..but today,my boss ask me to help him do proposal about import and eksport...I don't really understand about this coz i'm never to arrange its before this..honestly,it's very hard for me..Basically,look like easy but it's not easy like we think.. :( I also spent my time to learned about shipping..sound like crazy right??ha..ha..damn too much...how could my boss ask me to do something yg bukan bidang aku...
I don't have any choice so,i try to do it..no excuse and no argue..grrrrrr....so tiredddd..pnt otak dan penat badan till i left my lunch time...study benda alah tuelah...Can you imagine guys if you at my position..everything i must do it alone...no assist,nobody can help me...from pick up the phone,open invoice/DO,entertain customers,issue cheque for suppliers,arrange production...reply all emails boss..bnyk tue...do sales report and bla..bla...bla...isk...kalo nk down listing,smpi kesudah x hbs...feel very weak and fucking tired...that's why asyik nk mrh jer lately...i also got a migrain if always sgt thinking..but,what can i do??xkan nk said kt boss "alaaaaa...xmo la wat"..he..he..annoying jer rase,,besar plak kan pangkat nk said like that...
Finally,when i achieve max tired,guess what i do????..hurmmm,my tears falling down..tsk..tsk...yah,i'm crying...itu jerk yg tau..slalu nanges kt bilik air...crying is okay here..xmo org tau...ha,,,ha..but bile kt umah,story kat hubby about my tiredness and continue crying at his shoulder...sedih sgt..:( but thnks syg coz borrow your shoulder for me...and always be with me..i heart you...i feel so cool in your hugs...nasib bek ade kamoooo en.hubby...you wipe my tears,you makes me smile again with your jokes..even stupid jokes but you success to make me laugh "ha..ha..ha.."very funny but i'm happy..thanks dear..: )
Saturday, February 18, 2012
She is Everything...
Peeps,i'm feeling like to update something after been a while i didn't to do it...as usual..not in blogieeeeeeee mood...but now,i wanna to release something that i think about this always..yah,always,,,He..he...guys,if u noticed about my blog,mostly the story regarding my baby rite???ha..ha...Maybe i need change my blog title like seriously....not "everything about mimie pinky"....maybe "everything about my junior pinky"...ha..ha...okayy x???ermmmm,whatever...
Lately,i feel so sad when i saw my baby..i don't know why but it's true..look at her,feeling like to hug her...Omg...hope this is just a "feeling"..Ya Allah,i'm begging to you,pls let my baby growing up with her mother..pls give me an opportunity to raised her with my hands...pls..pls...:(
She is everything..without her,i will die..can't imagine when she gone...how hard to describe my feeling...split with her only 1 hour truly make me suffer..aku terlalu sayang kat dia...terlalu...i always thinking of her when i'm working..kalo boleh nk bawak g keje but can't !!!so,what to do???Quit from my job???will consider it..just take a time...
I'm a mother..so a fews things that i can't to see about my baby is :-
1-When she got a pain like fever + flu + cough...haisshhh..so worried about this pain..really hate it...
2- Crying too much...honestly,i can't see my baby cried..why???hiba jer rase hati even sometimes nanges to normal but not for me...i wondered why some people always gurau with babies and then wat smpi nanges..that's not a jokes okay...annoying jerk..
And.....a fews thing that i want about my baby :-
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*cyg...xmo wat muke sedih...mama x sanggup tgk...see her face.muke anak kecil yg tiada dosa.....terlalu suci.. |
1-Dilindungi Oleh ALLAH...
2-CHEERFUL..sumpah!!!!!risau masa dia not very well arytue..xmo senyum..xmo gurau...down sgt mase tue sbb terlalu rindukan senyuman dia...gelak tawa dia..ouchhhh...really make me sad...
3-Healthy growth....
What else???
4-Be a best child of mine..luv her parents...obviously....: )
Alright,that's all...
Friday, February 10, 2012
My Chubby gegurlzzzzz!!!!!!!!!
First,Salam 1 malaysia...hu..hu...tonite soooo boring...nothing to do...and idk why today feel sooooooo lazyyy also..grrr...and the only thing rase nk buat is baring and baring..he..he..maybe coz back pain that i had since a few days...haishhh..i need a massage...okay,today i took MC...don't ask me why....wondered to know??????the main reason is malas....lgpun i'm just gave my extra time to my daughter..yah...cute daughter...nothing to do with her tadi..just snap picha...play with her plus chase her around my living room...why???since dh naik walker nie,sume tempat dia nk g...before this,tau undur but now when she had improvement,smpi ke dapur pun nk g..so tireddddddd but it's okayy....anything for you baby...peeps, i had something for you...earlier belek2 pic of Arisya and i got few picture's with same reaction and tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
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*chubby cheek!!!!! |
See,she like to did it!!!dh cukup kembong pipi tue syg...hu..hu...lately,mcm2 ragam arisya and everything that she did makes me smileeeeeeee...having her like having a miracles...when i feel sad,she always makes me calm down,i really need her in my life to be my strengths,accompany me when i feel down and becomes my inspiration....in another words,she is everything...."buah hati pengarang jantung "...For now,arisya dah suke senyum....who's people had been close with her must know how hard for her to give her smilee :)...mahal sgt ke senyum tue dik????Fyi, dulu if orang "agah-agah" pun wat dunno jer likes mcm xde pape..my granny always said that she kedekut senyuman..ha..ha....that's true but tue dulu,,now senyum memanjang....
Alright....last but not least, luv you cyg....will always be with u....xoxo !!!!!!!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
1.2.3 say cheeseeeeeeee !!!!!!!!
I feel like to update something...i'm very happy today....why???coz i can spend my weekend with my loves aka budaQ tecik...sooooo amazing guys, and i like it...btw,i have something to sharing..,my baby dh pndi posing tau..ermm,not bad la...coz dulu she dislike to snap her pic and not love with camera but now,after kene trained ngan mama dia,see her action after said 1.2.3.cheeeeseeeeee!!!
A- Pose Arisya yang paling sopan..hu,,,hu....senyum pun sket jer...what's wrong with your hand cyg???
B-Chubby cheek...yah,Arisya like to do it..suke wat pipi cm tue..see,mcm nk meletup je pp tue dik..gewammnyee mama!!
C-Yang nie i ask her supaya wat muke comel,manje, menggoda..ouchhhh!! gorgeous dear,you look so awesomeeee in this pose...shumelllllll gilerrr...thumbs up from mama!!
So,what do you think guys???nowadays,all babies more advance in all aspects right???fast to learned something but watch out!!!! i will make sure that's my baby growth in a gud environment coz it's very important...i luv my baby so muchhhh and i believe,all mothers in this world mahukan yg terbaik untuk anaknya kn???
Same goes with me....ARISYA is everything...she brighten my life...
Friday, February 3, 2012
6 months Already....
Third of February....today my baby exactly 6 months and she grows up very well..As a mommy,i always hope and pray that my baby will are in a good condition,healthy and sentiasa ceria...terlalu cepat masa berlalu without our conscious right??but till now,i'm very happy with my little princess..sumpah!! lately,banyak ragam sgt but i admit,very easy to cares her..act,she is not like some kids yg selalu meragam...there are certain parts yang make it meragam like sleep time,when nobody ignoring her,sick and ex-change the months..people said,kalo baby nk tukar bulan pun akn meragam...but everything that she did, i assume as a development and i like it...sgt2...
Ouchhhh..can't wait till my baby start walking...so comelllllllllll...excited sgt but later bile dh start jalan sigh pulak kan coz tired to chase her kesana kesini....it's ok sweetie,mama will accompany you wherever you go...chewahhh...
What else??? hA!!....i want to tell something ...arisya skrg nie kuat berangan tau...he..he,,,always termenung...kecik2 dah pk masalah..(kinda)... hurmmmm,don't think that's baby xde feeling kay..see,she also having a feeling like adult...miraclessss for me n hubby,,,takkesah la syg nk wat ape pun..mama ayah always beside you no matter what...*hugs&kiss*
That's all for now...niat dihati nk type banyak lagi but flu disturb my mood to do it..sot..set...sot...set...huh..seksa betul kene flu nie...so,gudnite uols...sleepwell...!!!take care...
Yeay!!!!!tomorrow is saturday..hope blh bgn lmbt itupun kalo budaq tecik xkaco...hu..hu...
Chow peeps!!!
i'm Sick :'(
I feel lonely here...everybody already sleeping...mine??? i don't know what to do and i can't to sleep early coz i'm not very well..yah,i'm sick since a few weeks...badly cough till now...then when i got this pain,sakit lain will appear too like flu plus fever plus migrain..ouchhhhhh..i can't to handle it...that's why,very hard to me to sleep well...never mind..i will accept all pain with sincere..maybe this is "God Tests" right??...Hope,my baby always healthy...lets only me yang dpt sakit..not my baby..but,i'm begging that this pain will go immediately coz i need energy to cares my family especially my baby..she need my attention also..hope every pain that i got just short visit..Amin...pray for me...
ermm,rase nk take MC but last week baru cuti panjang during CNY...xbest plak kn nk cuti...what my boss thinking??grrrrrrr,so i decide to cancelled it and gi jugk keje wlpn sbnrnye terpakse jer...and then tadi called mak and ask her news....mak sihat jer..abah???hurmmmmmm..abah also got a fever..pity him...maybe demam rindu with her grandchild...and we just talk about this Thaipusam's holidays and Maulidul Rasul whether i will go hometown or not and the answer is not coz my company x amik these holiday even for me,Maulidul Rasul is compulsory but cinaRETI BAHASA PLAK KAN????apepun,get well soon abah....:)
Ok peeps,i don't know what to update more....but...cop!cop!..before i end my entry post,i have something for uols...i got this words from status someone at facebook..it's sound like funny but deep meaning lol..ha..ha...
ermm,rase nk take MC but last week baru cuti panjang during CNY...xbest plak kn nk cuti...what my boss thinking??grrrrrrr,so i decide to cancelled it and gi jugk keje wlpn sbnrnye terpakse jer...and then tadi called mak and ask her news....mak sihat jer..abah???hurmmmmmm..abah also got a fever..pity him...maybe demam rindu with her grandchild...and we just talk about this Thaipusam's holidays and Maulidul Rasul whether i will go hometown or not and the answer is not coz my company x amik these holiday even for me,Maulidul Rasul is compulsory but cina
Ok peeps,i don't know what to update more....but...cop!cop!..before i end my entry post,i have something for uols...i got this words from status someone at facebook..it's sound like funny but deep meaning lol..ha..ha...
If u are a LADY ,
Take care of your BODY ,
Don't ever make a BABY ,
Without a DADDY. ツ
Take care of your BODY ,
Don't ever make a BABY ,
Without a DADDY. ツ
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