Peeps,i think i over rajin that's why i updated this blog tonite..x kesah la kan...this is my blogieeeee so don't care what i want to write or what...he..he..pls see the title...true!!my baby look like more "girly" after pierced her ears...and tadaaaaaaaaa....
comellll jer first,scared jugak nk do it..takut kalo something will happened kan but now dh okay mase tindik tue nanges x hengat...sakit agaknye even dh letak ubat kebas...ofcozla's skin is very doubt!!! tp mama dia nie yang nk wat sangat..hubby???for sure la x bg and always said don't!!!!reason is,dia still kecik...but for me,mase keciklah nk wat right coz she never to eat makanan yang gatal and very easier to care..juz put "Gamat Oil"..that's all...after a few weeks,dah x sakit,serious sedih mase tgk dia nangis after kene tembak...pity her...then,i hugs her tightly bg dia cool down...nsib bek she cry for a while..pastu boleh tersenyum lg..fuhhhhhhh..lega mama sayang..
Sorry sayang..mama didn't mean to hurt you coz mama love you sgt-sgt...but mama knows,Arisya ank yang kuat and you will to face it right??...lebiuuuuuuuu syg....muahh..muahhh..muahhhh...
Friday, January 27, 2012
Pray for Happiness!!!
If i can be honest,i really appreciate what i had now..especially my family...a happy family..Amin..Sometimes,i don't believed that i already got a big happiness in my life..Story about my journey,i begin my life started with zero..means,everything that i through must learned one by one...xsemua things kite tau kan??same goes with me...Start with couple,engaged then married till God gave me a cute baby...Ouch!!betul2 terharu...Basically,i feel so scared at first..scared if i failed to discharge the responsibilities and always asked myself whether i can or can't but we must try right?? For now,i know how lucky i'am..I love my family...means my own family that i build with my hubby...I admit,for build a relationship like now it's not easy that you imagine...Only God knows how difficult for us to care our relations sehingga ke ikatan yang sah...but,if niat kite baik,Allah akn permudahkan segalanya..believe that!!
For now,i just want my family always been strong...tetap bersama in any situation...always support antara satu sama lain,saling berbagi,saling memahami and the most important,together protect this relations..There is nothing to make my life more better except to see beloved person around me happy...especially my hubby and my baby..For my hubby,i'll always beside you and will stay with you till dead separated...For my baby, as always mama said again n again,keep smiling dear coz that's located my strength...
As a "WIFEY",i will try my best to be the best in a "MOMMY",i will care my baby whole of my heart and never for once to ignore her..and last,as a "SLAVE" i must "PRAY FOR HAPPINESS"....
Thursday, January 26, 2012
CNY Holidays!!!!!!
Hi your cny holidays??is it great??...mine was oklah..he.he..Ouchh!!i miss my blogieeeeeee sgt2 since i go back to my hometown for a few days...can't be denied...the reason why im very miss my blog coz i miss to share something about my problem at my on9 diaries but i forgot to bring my lappy...tsk..tsk....sedih kan??xkan nk update gune's too hard for me but now,im here..means,kt JB the problem that i wanted to writing already,nevermind coz i had something to share with uols about my cny holidays....
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*21.01.2012<--------on the way balik kmpg.. |
So,fyi,i got 1week for cny holidays...(mcm x cukup oklah kan coz some peoples only got two days for holidays...and for this year,me n hubby nothing plan to go somewhere and we decided untuk balik kmpg jer in 5 days...not bad la coz can spend all time with my parents & siblings..that's too much..The main reason pun sbb nk bawak my bb met her grandma & grandpa coz diorang dh lame x jumpe cucu dia and last we go back hometown during cukur jambul event my bb & after that xder..
Hurrrrmmm,hope mak abah terhibur dgn gelagat cucunye yng comey lagi cantik ARISYA will miss both of you too..Eventhough i know,5 days is not enough for mak abh play with her grandchild but at last we must go back to JB right??nak sad nk split dengan diorang tp keadaan berkata lain...and my mom's pun ada request for leave my bb at their home for a few days more but i said can't..nanti ade kang mlm xleh tido asyik ingt my bb jer...rindo wooooooo...dialah buah hati pengarang jantung...she is mine n only one!!!sorry mom's coz i can't to fulfill your request and i hope you understand coz we're mother's right???
It's okayy mom,bile2 free boleh balik aperr...mesti kt kmpg sunyi kan bile ARISYA dh balik....but situation will back to normal after beberapa me..Peeps,pic kt bawah nie gambar my baby inside car..mase nie otw nk lik JB from Mersing...saje jer snap this pic coz suke tgk gelagat dia bile dlm kete and the only one thing that she knows is play n play her "Rubber Teether" and at last bile dh tired sweeeeeeeeetttt kn???Oh dear!!mama really Love You 4 ever and ever!!!!!!muahhhhhhhh...*HUGS & KISSES*
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End.. |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Baby & Meals!
Hi peeps!!!met again in another,rase nk update blog nie everyday but disebabkan mase,so always delay & delay...hurmmmm,never mind...Guys,hot news!!my baby dh start makan tau!!he..he,,& i start feeding her around 5 months something..act,i'm supposed to feed her when she already 6 tgk lapo jer even dh gave her milk so i decide untuk bg dia,starting i give her mild meals & not too heavy coz worried jugak if got a problem with digestion process right??
Act,dia bukan mkn sgt pun..juz wat main smpi biskut tue hancur & at last buang bile dh xmo,hbs la comot sume especially her face...comel jer kan perangai...ikut she'll do anything that she want...itulah ARISYA...why???coz she knows that her mommy will never scolded her..(T_T)...
1.Wheat & Honey...i think she love it alot coz rase dia sweet..that's why gave her 2 scoop still xcukup..before this,i bought Cereal & Milk but for me more delicious this one..
2.Biscuits rusk..suggestion from my mom's..der 3 flavors..Banana,Carrot,Orange but baru try banana flavor..erm,not bad but my baby x suke..bile bg dia mkn after dh makes it mcm nestum,then i see her face..u know guys how she react??..React like to tell me something..maybe she want to told me"Euwwwwwwww,what mama give for me??"ha..ha..funny guys..tapi bile bg dia sekeping(means not makes it like nestum)...see,what she did on these biscuits...
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*alololo.....cute kan??? |
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I luv Mama !!!!!!!!!!
It's so long i didn't update my blogieeeeeeee..reason???xder mase,malas,tired,boring,not in mood..pendek kate,apepun x now,i'm come back to sharing something...psssssssttt...act,i miss typinggg that's why i remember my blogieeeeee...ok guys,see the pic below.....
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*alololo...comeynye...muahhhx3!!! |
he...he....see her "Busha"..comel jer kan...i luv that words..mmng saje xmo beli "i luv papa" sbb my gegurl is mine lol...mesti pelik jer kan coz itupun nk snap pic...ha..ha...but suke jer tgk when my baby meniarap,looks this word,sooo cute right??mmng my baby love me pun and only one..nape eik??mcm x bleh terima jer bile my baby terlalu close ngan others...another means,rapat yang terlalu rapat...
P/s to my bb : Pls place your mom's in your heart coz i juz want you to know that mom's is everything and V.V.I.P....
Lot's of L❤ve,
Sunday, January 8, 2012
+ baby & walker +
Ok guys,as i told before this that Arisya got a pink walker right?? and here it is the pic of baby & walker...
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*pon!!pon!! |
My baby enjoy with her walker..see her face...smileeeeeeeeeee...omey-omey ank mama nie...muahhhhx3...nway,i'm worried about something..yes or not that's people said if baby under 5 months not allow to sit in walker coz tulang dia lembut..act,i planning to buy this walker when my baby exactly 7 months but lately my baby xmo baring & asyik nk diri's very hard for me to do daily chores and at last i decide to buy it..i think ok kot..she very strong and i saw,her enjoy it!! saje beli yang ada music.lets my baby main picit-picit the buttons..biar dia leka main and mama will do anything dgn,it's not means that i don't care my baby...still need to my hubby,many thanks to bought baby duit b..ha.ha..but dear,i stil adore "samsung galaxy tab 7 plus" tue...nk request kt syg rase cm demand plak kn?? but take ur time to keep money and buy for me one day kay...i'm never to force you coz i know that many things more important daripada itu...i luv you sayang..always guys,for now and onwards,the most important in us life is our child..that hubby always said to me..dahulukan baby dulu,ensure that all baby need are filled..honestly,i'm very happy when my hubby said like least, he had responsibilities on his family especially her daughter right??hurmmmmm....guys, baby already wake up and i want to make her milk...bye....hope tomorrow will be a great day..amin...xoxo!!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
~ Baby Time ~
One word to say...I'm very happy today..saturday make me alive...yeah!!!ok guys,i admit that my blogieee is my on9 diaries..everything that i did must story at here...act,i couldn't to remember all things that i through with beloved person,so i'm just write it as a memories..if one day,i will go away forever,another words,R.I.P,their can read it..hurmm..stop annoying mimie!!don't thinking too far...Btw,super happening for this day coz can spend whole time with my lovess n kitorang hang out together...pic for the day???scroll down please.....
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*thanks bucuk mama coz you're complete my life.. |
so,this is picha of the day...just had a lunch at MARRYBROWN with my hubby,went to mall and bought baby walker..guys,act,my baby already had a pink walker tau...later story about this kay..eventhough today is tiring day but we all enjoy it...ha..ha..pnt bkn sbb aper..sbb dukung baby xmo dok kt dlm,me n hubby take turns for carry shopping we heading to adik's house...sajer coz this morning adik text me and she asked me to bring my baby for met her..she said rindu Arisya alot...then back to home sweet home..that's all guys,,the day full with xtvt but we liked it!!!=D
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
+ Gud Girl +
Okay,act,i'm supposed to updated this post last week during the new year holiday but on the reason,i will update my post right now and here it is...before that,let me introduce about this pic...tadaaaaaaaaaa..
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*US!!! |
1) Mase nie,my baby be a gud girl..means,x meragam for that day...he..he..keep smiling yerk syg coz when see your smile,all problems that mama through had gone...seriously....
2) And as a wages coz be nice for that day,,so mama bawak g jalan-jalan amik angin petang...act,i'm planning to bring my baby bersiar kt tasik but suddenly my baby slept mase kitorang round-round,so i decide to cancelled lol...kesian plak kt budaq tecik time yerk syg and mama already planning with dad that we will bring you to the zoo..maybe this weekend..
Peeps,idk why,since had a baby,everything that she did,sume nk snap pic and almost at camera,handphone & lappy sume i keep baby pictures..ha..ha..Actually,could not missed this oppurtunity to snap all pic of her...later,can show to her when grown up..ouch!!!miss that moments...cepat besar yerk syg....can't waiting...he..he...So guys,i think must be end my post now..ngantuk sudah & tomorrow kene kerja..see you in the next post kay...*hugs*
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
5 Months Injection...
Today my baby exactly 5 months and her got 5months pity...okay,the side picha i snap before n after injection...he.he,,see,before went to clinic pun my baby already knows that she will got injection..muke cuak jer..cian sayang mama nie & for the after,my baby tidur coz pnt sgt crying smpi tersedu-sedu...sakit eh sayang???Even mama x rasa but mama tau it's very hurt right??it's ok dear...u must be strong and i know u will...hope sgt that her not having a fever coz xbest la kan..if my baby get a fever,maybe she will crying alot & for sure la mama pun become stress & easily get a migrain...Hurmmm,guys,for check up today,everything gonna be okay baby growth very well..i like it...nurse said "pandai mama dia jaga sampai berat badan baby naik"..and this is result for check up today :
Weight : 7.5 kg...that's why nurse said good coz 5 months already had a weight like this...ha..ha,,i admit lor,my baby very chubby..sbb tue rase nk geget jer..don't care chubby mcm mane pun if baby growth with healthy why not right?? & my baby not obesity wokeyyy..note that!!But,my mom said,if baby dh start aktif like meniarap,crawl,berat bdn akan susut...not sure about that...
Ability : Can hold of things...sume benda nk pegang then put into the mouth..anything that she get,will bite..belum der gigi lagi..hurmmmmm,xtau bile dh tumbuh gigi camner..for me,i'm very excited to saw my baby did anything that she want..yelakan,that's what we call "perkembangan" and i'll never to prevent her from doing anything as long as not endanger herself..=D..
Comel :<------- (not in related kan?)
Actif : Hyper actif i think...u know guys,sometimes i feel so tireddddd to treat her...i didn't mean to sigh but that's what i feel..nowadays,my baby likes to do something to get attention from her mom & dad..for example,when nobody ignoring her bla...bla..bla..she will scream loudly then crying..saje jer nk suruh orang carry dia,pujuk dia..baru dia akn quiet n show me her smiley face as usual..nk marah pun x jd marah...Act,Arisya anak yang doubt!! i can read their character obviously..dia cume nk org sayang dia whole of heart and give her extra concern..she is my daughter and i know her absolutely...for teach my baby must with softness...contohnya if dia nangis then i scolded her,jgn haraplah dia nk stop crying..lg kuat adalah but if we convince her dengan cara lembut like kiss & hugs her tightly,confirm,cepat jer benti manja...sbb tue feel very sad if away from her..always remember my lil princess kt mane pun berada..she is my heartbeat..without her,i will die...swear!!
For the next month,i must go to the clinic again and get a 6months injection also...haishhh..asyik kene suntik jer...memanglah it was good for baby but honestly i'm not willing to see...but,no matter what whether likes or dislike,harus kan??no choice...
Last,for all mother outside there,love your baby more than yourself kay... That's all for now..i'll keep on updating later in the next post..da... :)
Weight : 7.5 kg...that's why nurse said good coz 5 months already had a weight like this...ha..ha,,i admit lor,my baby very chubby..sbb tue rase nk geget jer..don't care chubby mcm mane pun if baby growth with healthy why not right?? & my baby not obesity wokeyyy..note that!!But,my mom said,if baby dh start aktif like meniarap,crawl,berat bdn akan susut...not sure about that...
Ability : Can hold of things...sume benda nk pegang then put into the mouth..anything that she get,will bite..belum der gigi lagi..hurmmmmm,xtau bile dh tumbuh gigi camner..for me,i'm very excited to saw my baby did anything that she want..yelakan,that's what we call "perkembangan" and i'll never to prevent her from doing anything as long as not endanger herself..=D..
Comel :<------- (not in related kan?)
Actif : Hyper actif i think...u know guys,sometimes i feel so tireddddd to treat her...i didn't mean to sigh but that's what i feel..nowadays,my baby likes to do something to get attention from her mom & dad..for example,when nobody ignoring her bla...bla..bla..she will scream loudly then crying..saje jer nk suruh orang carry dia,pujuk dia..baru dia akn quiet n show me her smiley face as usual..nk marah pun x jd marah...Act,Arisya anak yang doubt!! i can read their character obviously..dia cume nk org sayang dia whole of heart and give her extra concern..she is my daughter and i know her absolutely...for teach my baby must with softness...contohnya if dia nangis then i scolded her,jgn haraplah dia nk stop crying..lg kuat adalah but if we convince her dengan cara lembut like kiss & hugs her tightly,confirm,cepat jer benti manja...sbb tue feel very sad if away from her..always remember my lil princess kt mane pun berada..she is my heartbeat..without her,i will die...swear!!
For the next month,i must go to the clinic again and get a 6months injection also...haishhh..asyik kene suntik jer...memanglah it was good for baby but honestly i'm not willing to see...but,no matter what whether likes or dislike,harus kan??no choice...
Last,for all mother outside there,love your baby more than yourself kay... That's all for now..i'll keep on updating later in the next post..da... :)
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