Hey it's monday!!!!!Act, i had monday...u know why,it's first day in week..thats why make me so lazy....grrr...mls nk wake up at the morning...do my paper work...ofcoz la banyk gile...one word to describe my feeling rite now, STUCK!!!!!...sometimes,feel bored to do anything at office...he..he..n kdg2 kan,1 hari FB sampai x buat keje langsung...my boss??he didn't know anything...lgpun,he rarely masuk opis...one week only 2 or 3 times dia msk...who's care kan?aku apelagi,enjoy giler ar...n for sure la blogging...erm,let's story guys,u know what,one day aku ingt boss x masuk n aku ber FB x hengat...tau2 la...kalo dh on9 ssh nk stop kan n leka jer..suddenly bos comes from back..whoaaa...nervous beb n tetibe x sempat nk minimize..kantoi la apalagi...funny kan..honestly,bos x pnh scolded aku since aku keje kat situ cume pas insiden tue aku more careful la...must be respect kan even dia x mrh...xnk plak nanti dia thinks aku just take advantage..erm,forget it...as usual, i'm kind a fun wif my life...i means...wake up,keje,balik,met my daughter,,,that's all my routine everyday,,,*sigh....get tired guys...but no choice kan....nak xnak kene through jugak...kdg2 curi2sleep while working..ha..ha..like "mkn gaji buta" is it?i'm a mom,wife n i'm working...i must have a lot energy rite to do anything....can u imagine when u at the place of me?getting tired all the time...hu..hu...thats why i can easily get migrain...btw,apepun yg korang lakukan,enjoy jer..pnt ke ape ke,just go on k!!!...by peeps...will met you again..lots of love-mimie
Monday, October 31, 2011
*See,this is my office..so messy..huh....but oklah.....
Friday, October 28, 2011
___m[> <]m__ SEDIH...SAD....UNHAPPY & WHATEVER !!!!
Dear friends...
How your day?everything goes well?hopefully...today my feeling not very well...unhappy with someone yang x tau nk appreciate kebaikkan orng...i'm so tired when terpakse jaga hati orang but hati sendri terluka...i'm try to be a good person bagi semua org but in the end smuanya sia-sia...what should i do this now...crying n crying :(
but wif my tears,who's care??????xder meaning sume tu...as usually people say...kwn ketawa ramai but kawan menangis haram xder....i don't know what i'm going to do...i love all my friends who love me too and sebaik mungkin to protect our friendship as long as i will but dgn apa yang berlaku,it's truly hurt my heart..alot...
life always teach me about everything and now baru aku tau..wake up mimie...just be yourself...no need to care about "perasaan"orang...care your own feeling first be4 thinking another person..just way what you want to way..after that,no more tears falling down...guys,hope so...******************************************************************************
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
~My First Wedding Anniversary~(23.10.2011)
~Today is my first wedding anniversary…x sangke already one year aku through my life as wife kepada sidia..honestly,many things that I learned since become a wife..sometimes,feel like dream n x sangka dlm masa 1 year aku dh build my hepi family and now,dengan kehadiran my little precious,make our relations as a spouse more meaningful…From my deep heart,I'm proud to be myself because always berada beside org2 yang menyayangi aku xspecially my hubby..I know,he really love me..maybe sometimes him can't show off that he truly love me but aku knl dia more than everything…He always sacrifice for me…"Laut mana yg tidak bergelora,Bumi mana yg x ditimpa hujan"…same like our relations..gaduh2 itu sdh pasti dlm kehidupan berumahtangga but up to us how 2 keeping it…I love my family n for me,family first…I love my hubby and I luv my daughter…I love both of them so much..seriously!!!Hidup berumahtangga teach me about patient,caring,loving and all of this make me to be matured…I'm be grateful coz have understanding husband yg slalu berada di cc aku in any condition whether difficult or . easy he always being there's 4 me..you're my good person that I recognize..."1 year"bkn masa yg lame..act msh baru n banyk bendaneed 2 learn..smuanya take a time..apa yg penting,tolak ansur tue perlu between wife n husband..Hopefully,our relations will be lasting not for short term but long term..4ever n ever until GOD separates us by death…AMIN…..
Credit 2 my HUBBY : Thanks syg for everything...many thanksfor be a part of my life.Sumpah!!syg mmng suami yg terbaik buat b even b bukan wife yg terbaik buat syg..thanks for your extra concern & thanks coz accompany me until this day..b really appreciate it...I LOVE U...xoxo !!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
*No PaiN nO GaiN*
*Hi peeps!...lame rasenye x update blog and now i'm come back to sharing something...you know what,
SHARING is CARING rite?hu..hu...feel sad today..my lovely gurl not very well ..and of course i pun still rase the same thing...so pity..she very small to assume her pain...Ya ALLAH,let me to get her pain..asalkan my gurl sihat...why not?she is everything for me...apepun akan aku lakukan untk dia...GET WELL SOON yerk sayang..mama always pray for you AND mama still love u in any condition...swear!!miss to "gurau-gurau"with her...as usually...we spend time together before her sleep...hugs,kiss and whatever!!...can't describe through words but only person that become a mom will be feel seperti apa yang aku rasa...indahnya dunia...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Cinta Arisya...♥
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*guys,almost 2 weeks aku start keje after 2 months maternity..and for two weeks i drop ARISYA at rumah ibu dia...ARISYA have 2 mom's tau...he..he...honestly,mmng rase berat hati...berat hati berjauhan dgn dia but skrg feel comfort coz ARISYA have a good mom yg boleh take care dia when aku keje...n I think between them have a chemistry...so aku x worry sgt...thanks "friend"coz care ARISYA like your own baby..i appreciate it..many2 thank you...guys,ARISYA skrg dah makin montel tau...see,she have a chubby cheek..ha..ha..sometimes rase nk bite je... n makin nakal jugak...but still blh control...thanks GOD coz give me chance 2 becomes a mom for her and i promise will not sia-sia kan dia..swear !for now,she is "penenang jiwa"...can't be denied,kt tempat keje seriously tired tp bile balik keje jer look at her face sumpah hilang pnt...and i know all working mother sure through what i feel this now....hurmmmm,time show at 10.55 pm...maybe i need to stop here n get a rest..
ok guys,enough for today...will be continue soon..bye..bye....*HUGS* o_O
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Hi guys....so bored this nite....suddenly rase nk sharing something...just story heart to heart....
lately feel different and not as often..i don't no why and maybe this is only my feeling..just ignore but i can't...what should i do?maybe i should to remove this problem far away from my life..i still try and i know i just a human being...sometimes not enough to face each problems that comes..indeed,too heavy this matter...kdg2 kiter bleh gelak2 dpn org tp dalam hati nobody knows...i'm so tired to acting like this because i'm not an actress..stop to pretend??how could??banyak hati yang perlu dijaga even terpakse hurt myself..act,this is not fair...wake up mimie...don't act like you happy : ),bahagia but actually you don't...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tangisan dlm Kerinduan :(
Title yg x boleh blah..ha..ha...guys,today ary first aku start keje n for the first time aku split with my daughter...hu..hu...sumpah!sedih giler :(....kt tmpt keje asyik ingat dia jer n i always pray supaya diberi kekuatan melaluinye..berat tau rase hati....tuhan jer yg tau..mmng x dinafikan ikatan batin between mother n child tue kuat...serius and aku yg merasainyer..kdg2 aku pelik why some people like to make abortion when dah terlanjur..buang bayi mcm buang sampah...sedih bile hear,read about pembuangan bayi...xder perasaan ker??back 2 my story....td balik jer keje terus aku g ambik my daughter...baru one day but rase cam one year...puas aku hugs and kiss dia lepaskan rindu...rindu setengah mati...and now,baru aku rase betapa pentingnya dia in my life...very important...really...guys,to be continue yerk...suddenly x dpt nk cntrol emotion and now sambil type sambil crying....sebak sgt.....
P/s to myself : be strong mimie..i know u will..don't think negative..everything gonna be ok...if u always sad,your daughter feel same like u feel...(cubaan memujuk hati )...
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